Welcome to our Free Online QR Code Generator by Eyeonscreen, where you can effortlessly create your very own QR Codes. Our platform supports a wide range of features, including Dynamic Codes, Tracking capabilities, Analytics tools, Free text incorporation, vCards, and much more.

Our mission is to provide a user-friendly and versatile tool that empowers individuals and businesses to leverage the power of QR Codes effectively. Whether you're looking to encode website URLs, contact information, product details, or any other type of data, our generator offers the flexibility and functionality you need.

With Dynamic Codes, you can update the content of your QR Codes without having to reprint them, ensuring that your marketing campaigns and informational materials stay up-to-date. Our Tracking and Analytics features provide valuable insights into the performance of your QR Codes, allowing you to measure engagement and optimize your strategies.

Whether you're a small business owner, marketer, educator, or simply someone who wants to explore the possibilities of QR Codes, our platform is designed to meet your needs. And the best part? It's completely free to use!

Join the millions of users who have already benefited from our QR Code Generator, and start creating your own custom codes today. Unlock the potential of QR technology and take your digital presence to the next level with our intuitive and feature-rich platform.

QR Pricing Plans


₹0 / month

QR Code Creation

Basic QR Types

Customization Options

Download and Print

Usage Analytics

Multi-Device Sync

Event Ticketing QR Codes

Inventory Tracking QR Codes


₹299 / month

All features in Free Plan

Advanced QR Types

High-Level Customization

Batch QR Code Generation

Password Protection

Advanced Analytics

API Access

Priority Support